13. Updating Away the Spam

Updating Away the Spam


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The syntax of the update statement:

update table set column = value where restriction ;

The restriction works the same as in select and supports the same set of operators on column values.

The like operator supports a simple form of text pattern-matching. Whatever is on the left side of the operator (usually the name of a text column) will be matched against the pattern on the right. The pattern is an SQL text string (so it's in 'single quotes') and can use the % sign to match any sub-string, including the empty string.

If you are familiar with regular expressions, think of the % in like patterns as being like the regex .* (dot star).

If you are more familiar with filename patterns in the Unix shell or Windows command prompt, % here is a lot like * (star) in those systems.

For instance, for a table row where the column fish has the value 'salmon', all of these restrictions would be true:

  • fish like 'salmon'
  • fish like 'salmon%'
  • fish like 'sal%'
  • fish like '%n'
  • fish like 's%n'
  • fish like '%al%'
  • fish like '%'
  • fish like '%%%'

And all of these would be false:

  • fish like 'carp'
  • fish like 'salmonella'
  • fish like '%b%'
  • fish like 'b%'
  • fish like ''